Changes to the ICAC’s business hours and procedures

Changes to the ICAC’s business hours and procedures


The International Commercial Arbitration Court (the ICAC) informs about changes to its business hours and procedures.

Due to restrictive measures introduced in Kyiv to prevent spreading of COVID-19, which were approved by Protocol No. 29 of the State Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council on 1  April 2021, the ICAC changes:

*Time and procedure for submitting documents: documents are accepted at the reception of UCCI from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM;

*Oral hearings procedure: you are welcome to submit a petition for 1) participation in oral arbitration hearings by videoconference; 2) consideration of your case without the parties representatives or 3) rescheduling the consideration of your case.

All documents except claims shall be sent via e-mail at [email protected]

Should you have any questions, please, contact  the ICAC Secretariat over the phone: +380 44 586-51-87


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The International Commercial Arbitration Court (the ICAC) informs about changes to its business hours and procedures.

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International Commercial Arbitration Court
at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

33, Velyka Zhytomyrska Street
Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
+380 44 586-51-87
+380 67 239-56-77
+380 50 352-36-96
[email protected]

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