International Commercial Arbitration Court at the UCCI (the ICAC) congratulates Yuliya Chernykh on appointment as Vice President according to the decision of the Presidium of the UCCI № 49(9) of 23 October 2019.
Yuliya Chernykh was an arbitrator of the ICAC over a considerable period and a Member of the ICAC Presidium from January 1, 2018. She is Lecturer at the University of Oslo (Norway) and Counsel with Arbitrade Attorneys-at-Law (Kyiv, Ukraine).
Yuliya’s specialization: international commercial and investment arbitration, international trade law, international investment law.
According to the decision of the Presidium of the UCCI № 49(10) of 23 October 2019, Petro Krupko – an arbitrator of the ICAC and the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the UMAC), Vice President of the UMAC is appointed as the member of the ICAC Presidium.